Monday, May 7, 2012

Evangelicals Are ...

Over at the International Herald Tribune is an opinion piece titled "Do as I Do, Not as I Say".  The author is Anthropology Professor T. M. Luhrmann, of Stanford.

Professor Luhrmann writes as if she were a Democrat and talks about how Evangelicals are voters to be courted:
This is a reachable population, and back in 2008, a quarter of white evangelicals voted for Mr. Obama.  Democrats could speak to evangelicals more effectively if they talked about how we could develop our moral character together as we work to rebuild our country.
The question is, are Democrats capable of doing this?  At the local (in Lowell, the non-partisan) level, yes.  At the national level?  Maybe not.  Maybe Republican have a better shot at winning over Blacks using such an appeal.  But, then, many Blacks are Evangelicals.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:


    Type of liberal policies social conservatives can support.

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Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.