Sunday, May 6, 2012

"Spin of the Times"

From the Althouse blog we have a link to a New York Post OpEd by her fellow Law Professor, Glenn Harlan Reynolds, The Instapundit.  The title of the piece is "Spin of the Times:  Bias cloaked as front-page news".  Your interest in and belief in this OpEd is probably related to your belief in the fairness of the Old Grey Lady.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. I would extend that it isn't just the Old Gray's the media in general. It should come as little surprise to anyone who considers that the liberal left and the journalism community share the same philosophies. The liberal left considers what anyone and everyone does as their business and their right to know. How else can they effect social and economic change if the enlightened are not privy to what each and everyone is doing. Journalists (and I use that term loosely) have long gone by the mandate that "inquiring minds not only WANT to know...but have a RIGHT to know." Their basis for such a claim is that democracy can't work if some folks are keeping secrets....and the public good overrides the privacy of the individual.

    The REAL rub comes when the liberal left and the media interpret what they "discover" and label it as truth...after is THEY who know better than the conservative others what is fact...and truth. Not only do they demand to know everything anyone is doing...but insist that it is their mission in life to tell us what it means. explaining all this....I begin to sound like the mindset I abhor. And that is a problem with "truth telling."


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