Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Kerry as Romney

Over at the Althouse blog we have this post title:  "Obama picks John Kerry to play Romney in mock debate rehearsals."  And, the Althouse comment:
That seems like a terrible idea!
But, here is the quote from the source:
“There is no one that has more experience or understanding of the presidential debate process than John Kerry,” said David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist.  “He’s an expert debater who has a fundamental mastery of a wide range of issues, including Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts.  He’s the obvious choice.”

Hat tip to Ann Althouse.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. The problem with Kerry, as the choice, is he runs on old Nickel Cadmium battery technology; where Romney is a newer model. Romney is sporting Lithium Ion cells.

  2. I understand why, Kerry can best understand the situation when Romney was here, but Kerry isn't that hot of a debater.


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