Thursday, August 30, 2012

Condi Rice Talks

Over at the P J Tatter Bridget Johnson reviews the GOP Convention speech of former SecState Condoleezza Rice:
She said America’s narrative has never been one “of grievance and entitlement.”

“We have never believed that I am doing poorly because you are doing well. We have never been jealous of one another and never envious of each others’ successes,” Rice said.
Have you noticed how one of the sub-themes for the Speakers has been Amercan Exceptionalism?

Regards  —  Cliff

  In the net rest of full disclosure (and bragging rights) while I was on the Joint Staff (Strategy Dvision), Condi Rice was an intern in the five around the corner (Nuc/Chem Dvision).

1 comment:

  1. watched the speech.....and could not agree more with her comments. Right on the money. Seen on Facebook, an appropriate now anonymous quote: "I am afraid of a world run by adults who were never spanked as children, and were given trophies just for showing up."

    That is NOT Condi's world....nor is it mine.

    The essential difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals cannot live without conservatives to defend their freedom and support them economically. Conservatives on the other hand could exist and do quite well without liberals.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.