Friday, August 31, 2012

DWS On The Republican Convention

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is my "go-to" person for authotitative Democratic Party utterances, which is why I took note of this item from The Daily Caller:
“I think we believe that women can see through that nice shiny packaging that the Republicans have been putting out there, through to what’s inside, which is really a disaster for women’s future, extreme policies,” said Wasserman Schultz at a press conference at the Democratic National Committee war room, nestled in the heart of enemy territory just blocks from where the RNC is being held.
Especially the Governor of New Mexico and the Former SecState. 

Can you imagine political life without Ms Wasserman Schultz?  Apparently InTrade can.  She is not in trade, best I can tell.

Regards  —  Cliff

Note:  My Editor vetoed my first suggested title for this blog post.  No guessing in the Comments.


  1. If Elizabeth Warren spoke more on the themes in her book, "The Two Income Trap" compared to demanding birth control coverage because it's 2012, she would be discussing issues that really mattered to women.

    How to handle student debt, a mortgage, find a cooperative man, and utilized your uterus before your ovaries dry up.

  2. DWS is living proof that voters are stupid. SHE is stupid. Shame on the DNC for picking such a brainless icon for its party representation. She was voted into office as a Jewish princess in a FL district dominated by elderly folks with senile dementia and false hopes while suffering the terminal effects of ED.

    Frankly, she is the East Coast counterpoint to the WA state beauty....Patty Murray.

    And they say bad things about Hillary.......she is smart...and almost sexy.

  3. The voters aren't stupid.  They need better alternatives.  And that may mean campaign finance reform that doesn't violate our Constitution and our way of doing business.  McCain-Fiengold (another Janesville boy makes good) wasn't it.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  4. Cliff, did you read Althouse take on the NYT article about Obama advisor and how the contraception mandate happen and it alienated so many people?

    I have my bias being that I practice NFP and I don't take judgment on others, because there is a large need to first educate, I was happy to see so much concern on the Democratic side that it really does infringe on the 1st amendment.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.