Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's About The Networking

A post by the InstaPundit sent me doing an Internet search for the take of The Boston Globe on a supposed cheating issue at Harvard, down county, in Cambridge.  The blog Inside Higher Education has a post at 3:00 PM, to be found here.  This is serious stuff.  I lost a roommate early one semester when he cheated off a classmate.  I think it was Chemistry, so we were Third Classmen (Sophomores).  When our Honor Rep debriefed us he said it wasn't clear at first who did it.  The innocent party graduated and went to the F-4 in the UK.  He was flying in the Wing Commander's back seat when the plane went out of control on the bombing range and he recovered it.  He got a chance to "upgrade" to the front seat and rotated into DaNang about the time I left for Germany.  Abut three months later (early 1967) he was shot down over North Viet-Nam and was stuck there until early 1973.  In a way, ironic.

As for those at Harvard, their fate is still unknown.  A slap on the wrist?  For Edward Kennedy it was a hitch in the Army, stationed in Europe.

But, is cheating that wrong?  Another of my roommates at the Air Force Academy, later an Economics PhD from Princeton, believes if a person turns himself or resurface in they might actually be more honest than someone who was never "tested".

Cheating Is: free polls 

Regards  —  Cliff

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