Monday, October 22, 2012

Who Is Martin Burke?

For John, BLUFNothing to see here; just move along.

Martin Burke, the Republican in the race for the 17th Middlesex Rep District, has a web site up.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Cliff:

    Is does not appear that the local GOP is putting all of their efforts behind this promising candidate. Am I wrong?

    Mr. Burke appears to be a talented, concerned citizen who would be a great addition to the Republican farm team.

    The Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate seat has no problems posing for pictures and walking around with the Democrat opponent of Mr. Burke, How does this encourage Republicans to run in local races?

  2. Mimi

    I take your point, but there is some help being offered.  Mr Burke, a first time candidate, has run a fairly independent and low cost campaign.  I know, low cost is not the way to go, but having once been a first time candidate, I understand the urge.  I also remember the Late Paul Sullivan telling me that if I didn't have $7,000 I was not a serious candidate.

    I am the Treasurer and helping with the Web Page.  Kamal Jain, the LRCC Treasurer, has helped with data discussion.  A Republican member of the district is helping by reviewing radio spots.

    Yes, Scott Brown crossed party lines to support the opponent, Incumbent David Nangle, as David did for him.  Not good for "my" candidate, but these things happen and political loyalties can be complex.  That said, we are getting some quiet help from "Progressives" in the District.

    I am just glad Martin Burke threw his hat into the ring.  Would that more showed such intestinal fortitude.

    In the mean time, I invite Progressive Democratic Party and Independent voters to consider Martin Burke, so they can vote for an out in the open Republican, for clarity.


    Regards  —  Cliff

  3. I've been voting (R) in protest to (D)s, it seems the MassGOP is going in a direction that just isn't for me. Waiting to see some people run unaffilated in the local/state elections.


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