Friday, January 4, 2013

Drug Cartels Changing Industries?

For John, BLUFMexican Drug Cartels are branching out.

I think we all know that former Vice President Al Gore has sold his TV Network, Current TV, to al Jazerra.  That is being debated as to if it is a good thing or a bad thing, including the question of if al Jazerra is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, which is being backed by the Government of Qatar, which also backs al Jazerra.

Confused?  Me too.  And, as to the triangular nature of the relationships, it is speculation, but I wouldn't count on the MSM to speculate on it or provide confirmation.

But, the interesting thing is an article from al Jazerra that talks to the Mexican Drug Cartels turning to coal mining as an enterprise more profitable than running drugs.  That is an interesting turn of events.

"The Zetas are interested in any type of illegal business, from prostitution to extorting business, to mining coal. They’re capable of analysing where they can earn money from any type of illicit dealings," Gonzalez said.

As the line blurs between organised crime and legal business in Coahuila, these are nervous times for state's mining establishment. On the weekend before Al Jazeera travelled to the area, a mine owner was killed, and his finger cut off, a sign that he was being punished for speaking out against criminals. Senior mining figures refused to speak to Al Jazeera on the record. They did, however, confirm that organised crime has infiltrated their industry.

As mining executives sweat, and the investigations continue, human rights organisations say that little has changed for those at the bottom of the mine.

If you are not concerned about the Mexican Drug Cartels and their possible movement into these United States, you are not paying attention.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. They have taken a page out of the old Mafia manual. The Mafia completely reorganized the garbage business...among others....and probably still do have an impact if not complete control.

    It is called "Organized Crime" and anyone who thinks the cartels are not incredibly organized are simply not informed. In many ways, they are a classic business case study fit for consumption by the likes of Harvard Business School.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.