Monday, January 21, 2013


For John, BLUFFederal (and State) laws are becoming too complex.  It will harm the Citizens in many ways.

It seems to me that Government has become too complicated.  The average citizen just isn't able to keep up with the complexities.  Or, able to hire the lawyer and accountant necessary to understand the wrinkles that will allow them to not only operate within the law, but to save money.

Here is Law Professor Glenn Reynold's six page paper, "Ham Sandwich Nation:  Due Process When Everything is a Crime".  If that link doesn't work, this one might.

Now comes Columnist George Will with a column arguing that Chief Justice Roberts put the ACA on a path to failure.  Here is the lede and next paragraph:

A willow, not an oak. So said conservatives of Chief Justice John Roberts when he rescued the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — a.k.a. Obamacare — from being found unconstitutional.

But the manner in which he did this may have made the ACA unworkable, thereby putting it on a path to ultimate extinction.

I will leave the details for you to read at the link, but it has to do with the complexities of our large, intertwined, system, and the ability to raise taxes.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. George Will nailed it with his OpEd. The cute tricks that Pelosi, Reid, et al played at the behest of Obama are backfiring. The Roberts ruling nails the cash coffin door closed on the Obamacare monstrosity. If the "penalty" charge is a TAX...then the whole Obamacare mess is unconstitutional. But if it is merely a charge for not participating, it is then not a tax and cannot be raised as it is embraced by law and would require that the whole law as it pertains to non-compliance be rewritten and re-voted. In chess....I would call the Roberts rule...."Checkmate."

    Perhaps Ms. Pelosi should have read it before they passed it.

    Of course, Obamacare is one putrid, sticky nightmare....and to take a poke at it is to become entangled hopelessly. Thus,we are stuck with a very ugly baby that is going to cause problems every step of the way.....

    But.....the good news is that Obamacare is the LEAST of the horrible legacies 8 years of Obama will leave us....OH...I'm sorry.....I meant 8 years of Bush..and then 8 years of it being Bush's fault.

    Damn you George......16 years......


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