Friday, January 25, 2013

Which "It"?

For John, BLUFStill, no one will explain why the Administration lied and continued to lie over the cause of the Benghazi Imbroglio.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Talking Points Memo dumps on Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) for being dense.  They highlight Senator Kerry pointing out that Senator Johnson missed "the briefing".

Here is Blogger Add Althouse explaining that both Secretary of State Clinton and SecState Designate, Senator John Kerry, are focused on the wrong "it".

It.  She has the wrong it.  Johnson's question to her and then to Kerry related to the point in time when the people in the Obama administration decided to mislead the public by actively pushing a phony story about the "Innocence of Muslims" video.  That was a strange thing to do, and both Clinton and Kerry have doggedly distracted us by pretending the question is why the attack occurred.
I believe Professor Althouse has scored a shack here.

Maybe 50 or 100 years from now, as PhD students pore over the musty archives, an answer will emerge.

With regard to Senator Johnson, he is in the minority and can be safely ignored.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Called stonewalling. Look at recent history. Fast and furious. Stonewall. Now Benghazi. And what about the EPA fake email names? And we've never really gotten to the bottom of the banking mess which continues to exist on life support. And then let's talk about domestic oil production....can't offend the Saudi's and their associates.

    The message delivered by Hillary and Scary Kerry is simple. We won. You lost. We don't have to even talk to you. BTW..if you watched either of the hearings, the Dems were drooling all over themselves with lavish praise for the unprecedented wonderfulness of Clinton and Kerry. Nary a bad word was spoken.

    We won....the people lose. Move along. Get over it. We've work to do.


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