Thursday, February 28, 2013

Woodward to Davis to ...

For John, BLUFPulling back the curtain on Washington press relationships.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

We have all heard about Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward being warned off by the White House.

Now we have former President Bill Clinton Special Counsel Lanny Davis telling WMAL the White House threatened The Washington Times that it would suffer limited access to White House officials and might have its White House credentials revoked.  Clinton Special Counsel?  Must be some DLC thing.

Frankly, when it was just Woodward whinging. others could say that it is just Woodward whinging.  With Lanny Davis coming out, while talking to Breitbart News editor Larry O'Connor, this is in danger of cascading in a bad way.

Hat tip to the Instapundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

  WMAL is the Washington Area radio station that wanted to buy the WCAP call sign when Morris Cohen sold the station.


  1. Bob Woodward trolled us (and we got played)
    Twitter exploded last night, after Bob Woodward revealed that White House official had warned him he would “regret” saying Obama had moved the goal posts on sequestration.

    Predictably, conservatives latched onto this, as it confirmed our suspicion about the Obama Administration’s “Chicago-style” of politics. A lot of mainstream journalists bought into this, too — reflexively believing anything the great Bob Woodward says.

    Of course, Woodward (who was expert at trolling for publicity before the internet even existed), benefits greatly from the publicity (nothing sells books like controversy).

    I am told, this "Daily Caller," is a "conservative blog."

  2. PS. Like Dick Morris, Lanny Davis worked for the Clinton's. No one would say, Lanny is Dick Morris.

    But, he does have a track record of bashing Obama. And, he is not a journalist.

  3. I am thinking the thing is that Lanny Davis is tied to the Democratic Leadership Conference and that it the point.  He is decidedly not part of the far progressive wing of the Democratic Party.  So, I don't think it is so much that he has been bashing Obama (a sort of George Anthes approach) as he has been defending the DLC agenda.

    I don't think it is fair to compare Lanny Davis to Dick Morris.  For one thing, I don't recall Mr Davis having changed horses.  Of course we might disagree as to what constitutes the horse.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  4. During the '07-'08 Clinton Campaign, only Debbie Wasserman Schultz exceded Lanny Davis' ferocity and pettiness.

    Note: DWS now chairs the Dem Party. Hillary 2016


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