Thursday, April 11, 2013

Do Your Duty

For John, BLUFDon't look the other way.

The safe course is to avoid situations which are disagreeable and dangerous.  Such a course might get one by the issue of the moment, but it has bitter and evil consequences.  In the long days and years which stretch beyond that moment of decision, one must live with one's self... It is not merely a question of peace of mind, although that is vital; it is a matter of integrity of character.
Dean Acheson, U.S. Secretary of State
Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Looking the other way has become a defining characteristic of the national psyche. Nothing to see here or worry about....move along. The government is taking care of it......and you. Just be sure to report to the shearing shed on time for your appointments.

    We are racing toward the near horizon that will open into a formless, uniform, existence devoid of emotion or any sort of stressors. It will reduce life to an endless somnolence that neither recognizes nor cares about anything but respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure.

    Sadly, Freedom, the very thing that makes life worth living and that which introduces breathtaking highs and crashing lows into our every day existence......FREEDOM....of any sort....will be a banned memory.

    Nothing to see here folks. The government is busy making life BETTER for you according to our latest standards and definition of "the good life." Move along. The next public feeding will be in two hours.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.