Saturday, April 20, 2013

NPR Does Branch Dividians

For John, BLUFNPR can be pretty clueless.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Blogger and Law Professor Ann Althouse quoted in full:

"I came back here after the slaughter and I feel that the Lord has anointed me and appointed me to be the leader."

"I don't claim to be a prophet.  I'm a teacher of righteousness, that's the only thing I claim.... The United States has to fall in order for the One World Order to be set up... Especially if there's war in the Middle East, that's when they're going to see Branch Davidians start scrambling to find out what the truth is, and where they need to be."

NPR reports on the remnants of Branch Davidians this morning. Why them? Why now? There was just a big explosion in Waco, and perhaps that naturally makes us think back to the assault on the Branch Davidians 20 years ago. I hope it's just that and not some burning need to make listeners refocus on the dangerous white male Christians of America instead of the darker-skinned Muslim Chechans accused of the bombings in Boston.

That, or NPR thinks there is a comparison between the Branch Dividian compound going up in flames and that fertilizer plant blowing up in Texas this last week.  I am going with the angry white male theme.

The other option is that this was long scheduled and NPR is run by a bunch of rigid, feckless radicals who just don't get it.

Regards  —  Cliff

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