Friday, July 19, 2013

Tip Lines

For John, BLUFMr Zimmerman acquitted.  It is tome to look past simple race, for underlying causes.

So the Department of Justice has set up a "tip line" regarding Acquitted Shooter George Zimmerman.  Are they doing the same thing for Acquitted Shooter Roderick Scott, in upstate New York?  I wonder if the Reverand Jesse Jackson is going to declare New York an Apartheid State, like he did Florida?  New York, you ask? 

Don't get me wrong.  Blacks who arrived in this nation early on and up to the 1950s and 1960s have a lot of history and baggage that needs to be dealt with by the rest of us.  Most of them were enslaved and, even after slavery ended many were abused as human beings.  And it got worse again as the 19th Century turned into the 20th.

On the other hand, some people seem to have over-learned the lesson that demonstrations and boycotts work.  At some point they lose their effectiveness and then become counter-productive.  We need new tools for fixing our social problems.  Creative tools.  Disappointingly, our Attorney General seems to lack both creativity and a sense of our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.

Our Attorney General, Eric Holder, is going around saying the verdict was wrong and he is going to fix it.  Here is his talk to a convention of Delta Sigma Theta, the nation's largest black sorority.  The next day he said the same thing to the NAACP.

The Attorney General is so upset he has had the Department of Justice set up Tip Lines regarding George Zimmerman.  As Law Professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds says, in his paper Ham Sandwich Nation, when everything is a crime it is just a question of if they bother to prosecute.

Still, this is all so over the top.  At least we have a bit of humor at the Day-by-Day cartoon.

Regards  —  Cliff

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