Monday, December 16, 2013

Being Sensitive

For John, BLUFSeparated by a common language—not just us and the Brits.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

In a comment on a previous post I used the term "cake walk", as a way of describing something as easy.  The New Oxford American Dictionary says"
an absurdly or surprisingly easy task:  winning the game won't be a cakewalk.
The one and only time I have seen a cake walk is Lakewood, California, when I was in Junior High School. It was in the driveway of some classmates house and it was for a birthday.  Basically, it was musical chairs.  But, no, I couldn't leave it at that.  I had to check Wikipedia, to see if my understanding was the same as the collective writers at that site.  Little did I know the Wikipedia writeup would carry racial overtones.

It reminded me of Mr David Howard, a caucasian aide to DC Mayor Anthony Williams, who used the word "niggardly" when talking about dealing with the City's budget.  There was an uproar and Mr Howard resigned. 

Fortunately, Mr Julian Bond spoke up and offered some reasoned commentary:

Julian Bond, then chairman of the NAACP, deplored the offense that had been taken at Howard's use of the word.  "You hate to think you have to censor your language to meet other people's lack of understanding", he said.  "David Howard should not have quit.  Mayor Williams should bring him back—and order dictionaries issued to all staff who need them."
The entire Wikipedia article on the use of the word niggardly also reveals that shortly after the DC contretemps the issue came up at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and the outcome was the abolition of the University's speech code.

Regards  —  Cliff

  He later accepted a different position with the City.

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