Sunday, May 4, 2014

Missing the Point on Benghazi

For John, BLUFDC is messed up.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

This is about the recently released additional EMails regarding the Administrations response to the Benghazi attack.

Here is a report on CNN Reporter Jake Tapper accusing White House press secretary Jay Carney of making “dissembling, obfuscating,” and “insulting” comments regarding the September 2012 Benghazi attacks.

Over at Morning Joe Host Joe Scarborough and panel were disappointed. Reporter Chuck Todd said the White House Press Office had "grown too big."

Over at Hot Air Writer Erika Johnsen talks about House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's take.

I haven’t seen that, but what I will say is, again:  Diversion, subterfuge.  Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.  Why aren’t we talking about something else?  Whatever was in that, what I know of what I’ve read in the press about those emails, was very consistent with what was put out there before.  I don’t think there’s anything new there.
Would "Clueless" be unkind?

Here is my take, the Administration's inability to remember that the coverup is worse than the original mistake.

I find representation of the facts (EMail aside) pretty straight forward, but like most of DC, the presentations fail to mention that, rather than standing up for the First Amendment, the Department of State, and the Administration, crumpled like Yale University did over printing the actual Mohammed Cartoons themselves, in it's study of that issue.

I would hope that if I printed a Blog Post decrying this or that aspect of Islam [e.g., the terrible abuse by some Muslims of Coptic Christians and those who, of their own free will, had converted to the Coptic faith] and the "Arab Street" erupted over my Blog Post, that my Government, while maybe calling me a fool, would staunchly defend my right to express my opinion, in public, on the Web.

Just the opposite happened in the wake of Benghazi.

I was very disappointed.

Regards  —  Cliff

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