Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Capture of Benghazi Perp

For John, BLUFGabriel Heatter.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

"There is good news tonight."

From The Washington Post we have this item from The Boston Globe, with the Administration announcing the capture of the suspected ring leader of the 2012 attack on our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya.  "Suspect in Benghazi attack captured by US".

US commandos have captured the suspected ringleader of the attack on the US mission in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, the White House and Pentagon officials said Tuesday.

Apprehension of the suspect, Ahmed Abu Khattala, is a major breakthrough in the 2 1/2-year investigation into the attack, which also killed three other Americans.  President Barack Obama vowed swift action to bring the perpetrators to justice.  But efforts to identity and prosecute the attackers were stymied by the chaos of the event and the broader mayhem in Libya.

Now we have someone.  Thanks to the US Military and the FBI.  And, one suspects, thanks to Libyan General Khalifa Heftar, who has been trying to put Libya back on track, partly by suppressing extremists in Libya.

Along with the article on the capture, on their web page The Boston Globe provides a timeline for the Benghazi attack.  Without actually mentioning the Innocence of Muslims video the timeline suggests that religious intolerance is a factor in the attack.  Translating that into Common English, the item again throws the First Amendment under the bus.  Can the Main Stream Media not see the stepping stones to the loss of their own freedom?

Regards  —  Cliff

  The article says US Commandos, which is a term the US doesn't use.  My wife heard US SEALs.  Wikipedia says the US Army's Delta Force.


  1. Two points to be made here. First and foremost, this is little more than Obama political theater. For two years, various agents within the Federal government and outside have maintained that we know who did it and where they are. Suddenly, when Rome is burning here at home and Obama's fat is in the fire, we have this good news story and success. But wait, wasn't the rabbit in the hat the exchange of 5 terrorists for one traitor distraction enough. Wait!!!! There will be more.

    Second, my educated guess would be SEAL assets. Delta is not trained for the sort of activity this snatch and run amounted to. The FBI was there for political purposes since they have been roundly criticized for their total inaction on Benghazi.

    All so predictable.....and meaningless. Now that we have someone (and NOBODY REALLY knows if he is THE guy), what do we do? We can't have a show trial without upsetting half of the world...and it would be more costly than the greatest Hollywood production of all time...with no theater revenue to defray the costs. No...we'll warehouse the guy and let Hillary release him in another exchange down the road

  2. Neal, you may be correct, but The Hill is reporting that "Benghazi suspect won't be sent to Gitmo".

    "The administration's policy is clear on this issue:  we have not added a single person to the GTMO population since President Obama took office, and we have had substantial success delivering swift justice to terrorists through our federal court system," National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement.

    Regards  —  Cliff


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.