Thursday, June 26, 2014

Supreme Court Rules For Free Speech

For John, BLUFAt least the Supreme Court likes Free Speech.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

A complete lift from the Althouse Blog on today's SCOTUS Ruling.

And this was a Nine-Zip ruling.

Massachusetts law imposing a 35-foot buffer zone around abortion clinic violates the First Amendment, a unanimous Supreme Court says today.

Chief Justice Roberts writes the main opinion, and there's a Scalia concurrence, joined by Kennedy and Thomas, and an Alito concurrence.

I'm just reading the live blog at SCOTUSblog, so I don't have more than that yet. I also see that the Court decided the case about recess appointments, and:

The President can make a recess appointment without Senate confirmation when the Senate says it is in recess. But either the House or the Senate can take the Senate out of recess and force it to hold a "pro forma session" that will block any recess appointment. So while the President's recess appointment power is broad in theory, if either house of Congress is in the hands of the other party, it can be blocked.
This means that some appointments to the NLRB were invalid, and: "That means that their rulings were invalid. It is unclear what will happen with other NLRB rulings from that period."
Regarding the NLRB ruling, that was solid also.  And, I think SCOTUS would have ruled for the License Commission regarding quorums.

Hat tip to the Althouse blog.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Meanwhile let's help pregnant women who have been abandoned by their support system.

    And clinic workers who want to find work outside of abortion.

  2. Not why it is "anon'.



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