Sunday, June 15, 2014

Understanding the Number Regarding Rape

For John, BLUFPeople need to learn how to deal with numbers and especially numbers as statistics.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

My computer software provided dictionary defines innumeracy as "without a basic knowledge of mathematics and arithmetic."  Actually we see a lot of it around.

Here is OpEd Writer George Will answering four US Senators who jumped down his throat for an OpEd that said Administration Statistics don't add up and the policy flowing from a bad understanding of the statistics is only going to make matters worse.

Rape is bad.  Campus rape is bad.  Campus rape should be handled by the local police.  Campuses trying to deal with rape are finding themselves in over their heads and are now being sued by accused who believe their civil rights have been violated (and in many cases they have).  Sued for real money.  The result is that just is not done, expensive programs of mitigation are driving up the cost of education and the lawsuit payouts are driving up the cost of education.  And the fundamental problem may or may not be getting getter.

UPDATE:  The accused are pushing back, as this list shows.  Via the Instapundit.

In the mean time the major rape problem in the United States, prison rape, is I G N O R E D.

Hat tip to the Instapundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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