Monday, August 4, 2014

No Alternative Place To Go

For John, BLUFThere is no resolution here as long as both sides fear demographic elimination.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

This article in The New York Times promises to explain "Why Americans See Israel the Way They Do", but fails.  However, the lede sentence does give us some reality:
TO cross the Atlantic to America, as I did recently from London, is to move from one moral universe to its opposite in relation to Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza.
And with the anti-Semitism that is spreading in Europe I am glad we are on this side of the pond.  Because Israel has the stronger forcer the Europeans seem to think this is an unfair fight.  On the other hand, if the Israelis had held off on this there might well have been a new slaughter of the innocents, perpetrated by Hamas on Israeli children, as this article suggests.  The linked news report suggests that a massive attack, out of tunnels, was scheduled for the Jewish New Year, 24 September.

The article takes a swipe at the US for being black or white on this (and other issues), but that is not a bad thing.  Once in a while you have to take a stand.  It is high noon in Israel and time for people to stand with Israel in the destruction of the tunnels.

The author is wrong when he writes:

I find myself dreaming of some island in the middle of the Atlantic where the blinding excesses on either side of the water are overcome and a fundamental truth is absorbed:  that neither side is going away, that both have made grievous mistakes, and that the fate of Jewish and Palestinian children — united in their innocence — depends on placing the future above the past.  That island will no doubt remain as illusory as peace.  Meanwhile, on balance, I am pleased to have become a naturalized American.
On the other hand, we can not expect peace when both sides claim the same land and neither side has an alternative place to go.  The Arabs don't want the Palestinians.  No one wants the Jews.

Regards  —  Cliff

  For example, our Secretary of State, the Honorable John Kerry, who is not standing tall.
  I would create a homeland for the Jews by creating a Jewish Dakota out in Fly Over country, but I am probably the only one, either here or in Israel.

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