Monday, November 24, 2014

Racism in America

For John, BLUFThis means you too.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

I was watching City Life this morning and, bold as brass, as we used to say, Middlesex North Register of Deeds Dick Howe said I was a racist.  Given that the other guest, Ms Marie Sweeney raised no objection, I have to assume she is in full agreement.

How do they know I am a racist?  The signs are all there.  I am, he asserts, opposed to the policies of President Obama and, he asserts, I think the President's Amnesty for illegal aliens was a bad move, a wrong move.

There it is, plain and simple.  I oppose, per Mr Howe, President Obama because he is Black.  And, in a separate count, I am, per Mr Howe, opposed to those 11 million illegal aliens because they are Hispanic.

I confess.

The only hopeful thing is that Mr Howe made the point that Caucasians are soon (a few decades) to be less than 50% of the population, and thus, I would assume, just another minority.  But, one has to be careful.  Asians are a minority and they face a lot of discrimination, often by being lumped in as the same as Caucasians and often for being Asians and thus having an unfair advantage.

What did Rodney say?  "Can we all get along?"

Regards  —  Cliff

  Well, I think of President Obama as a Caucasian with a Black Father.  I find the "one drop" criteria to be insufferable.  On the other hand, maybe he is really just another Haole.
  Well, some of them are Irish and some are, I am willing to bet, Brazilian, and I don't know if they count as Hispanic.  Then there are the Asians.  But, we think of those 11 million as all being Spanish speaking from Latin America.
  He kept using the term "White".  Pink would be better than "White".  Beige would be a better term.  I like Caucasian, since I have finally learned how to spell it.

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