Monday, March 23, 2015

Respecting Millennials

For John, BLUF  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Over at Linked In Jake Wood, CEO at Team Rubicon, has written about the resignation of US Representative Aaron Schock, effective 31 March of this year—"Aaron Schock is an Idiot, But So is Chris Cillizza"
Yesterday (March 20th, 2015), Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post published an article titled "Who Had the Worst Week in Washington? Rep. Aaron Schock." For those of you that don't know, Rep. Schock recently resigned amid scandal and allegations that he misused taxpayer and donor money. In the piece, Chris leads with "Aaron Schock was the first millennial to serve in Congress, and he lived up to every unfortunate stereotype we have of that generation." He follows that up with an even more pointed anti-millennial ending, "Aaron Schock, for promoting the notion that we shouldn’t trust anyone under 35, you had the worst week in Washington. Congrats, or something."
At his point I would like to pause and note that Representative Aaron Schock is a Republican, or at least ran as a Republican.  Why is that important?  Do you ever hear of Democrats resigning because they have messed up this way?  Like Representative William Jefferson [no, not Clinton], who ended up going to Federal Prison, but who had to be beaten in a squeaker by Republican Joseph Cao in 2009.  Of course Representative Cao was beaten like a drum by some Democrat in 2010, but that is another story.  Thanks to Rep Cao for standing up when it was needed.

Then Speaker Pelosi did good by removing him from a chairmanship, but he was still running in 2008.  Someone on the Republican side had the decency to sit Rep Aaron Schock down in a room with pen and a piece of paper and told him to do the right thing.

But, back to the article, Writer Jake Ward asks that we not judge all millennials by Mr Schock.  He then lists how Millennials are making this a better world, ending with:

Hey Chris, looks like you trust the defense of your nation and the innovation of your technological life to millennials.  By the way, you're welcome.
Regards  —  Cliff

  Yes, I was, and am concerned that the FBI invaded Representative Jefferson's office on Capitol Hill.  I hope to never see that again.
  The first Vietnamese American to serve in Congress.

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