Wednesday, June 24, 2015

No One Responsible

TRIGGER WARNING:  Wherein I question bureaucrats.
For John, BLUFYou lock your doors, don't you?  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Lisa Rein, of The Washington Post, gave us "Federal personnel chief: 'I don't believe anyone is personally responsible' for Chinese hack".

Well, of course the Chinese are responsible for the hacking.  But, doesn't someone within the Federal Government bear responsibility for blocking hackers?  Here is the lede:

Senators want OPM head fired after data hack(1:51)

Senators are continuing their call for the ouster of Katherine Archuleta, director of the Office of Personnel Management, where cyber hackers stole the records of millions of people. (AP)

The federal personnel chief said Tuesday that she does not believe "anyone is personally responsible" for the massive hack of federal employee data and security clearance files and instead blamed the breach on old computer systems and the hackers themselves.

I am just waiting for my letter, notifying me that my data has been compromised.

Someone said, earlier,

We are lost …
Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Our total lack of Federal bureaucratic accountability drives me crazy. Charlie Baker's successful effort to hold MBTA board members accountable for the failures of that system are as remarkable for their rarity as they are for their extent. We shall see if train service around here improves, but it seems clear our electronic national defense will remain as vulnerable and shoddy as ever, and that's depressing.

    My vote will be determined in large part by how credible any candidate might be on their resolution to rip the Federal bureaucracies apart in search of Diogenes' proverbial honest public official. (Singular because I'm just not sure I can believe there could possibly be two of them).


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