Sunday, March 12, 2017

Hint For Improving Education

For John, BLUFThe old models aren't working.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

The author is Mr Bill Murphy Jr., writing in Inc..

Here is the part Law Professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds quoted:

News flash: Most boys are rambunctious. Often they seem like they’re in a constant state of motion: running, jumping, fighting, playing, getting hurt–maybe getting upset–and getting right back into the physical action.

Except at school, where they’re required to sit still for long periods of time. (And when they fail to stay still, how are they punished? Often by being forced to skip recess–and thus they sit still longer.)

It’s not just an American issue. Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland recently tried to document whether boys actually achieve less in school when they’re restricted from running around and being physically active.

They studied 153 kids, aged 6 to 8, and tracked how much physical activity and sedentary time they had during the day.  Sure enough, according to a report by Belinda Luscombe in Time, the less “moderate to vigorous physical activity” the boys had each day, the harder it was for them to develop good reading skills.

That is pretty interesting.  I wonder what our schools are doing to respond to this?

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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