Saturday, September 16, 2017

Land of the American Dream

For John, BLUFRather than building a wall, should be just abolish the border?  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From The Brookings Institution and Mr William A. Galston, back on Wednesday, 13 September 2017.

Here is the lede:

When Donald Trump announced his decision to end DACA—former president Obama’s program to protect the so-called Dreamers from arrest and deportation—in six months and threw the issue to Congress, he pleased his core supporters. However, it turns out that for many Americans, the issue of keeping or cancelling DACA is not the same as the question of what to do about the Dreamers.
So, what we are seeing is that supporters of President Trump may be more nuanced in their views than they are given credit for.  Yes to the 800,000 illegal immigrants under DACA, but no to any further immigration.  The appears to be President Trump's position.

What is Congress's position?

Regards  —  Cliff

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