Thursday, March 1, 2018

Adrift and Without a Sure Destination

TRIGGER WARNING:  A post in which I warn that Russiagate may blow back on the Democrats.

For John, BLUFThe Special Counsel is a self-inflicted wound on the American People.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Pajama Media and the pen of Mr Roger L Simon, on 20 February.

Here is the lede plus one:

In what feels like the 27th year of the Trump-Russia-Collusion Investigation, what we have most recently learned is that a lawyer no one ever heard of may have made a false statement to the FBI and even erased a few emails concerning events that happened years before the election and have something to do with Ukraine.  We have further learned that a group of Russians in St. Petersburg have been trolling us since at least 2014 (what took them so long?), playing both sides against the middle and even going so far as to organize a post-election demonstration in front of Trump Tower featuring Michael Moore assuring us that "he's not my president!" while being cheered on by some extraordinarily credulous women with microphones from CNN.

Forget going from the sublime to the ridiculous.  This has gone from the ludicrous to the harebrained.  The fact that anyone could be taking this nonsense seriously anymore boggles the proverbial mind, but they do -- especially at that antediluvian relic known as the mainstream media.

Of course Special Counsel Robert Mueller could come up with evidence that the Vice President had a relationship with his Mother, Oedipus like.

But I doubt it.

I doubt a lot of this.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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