Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Socialism in the Plymouth Bay Colony

For John, BLUFI blame High Schools, for not teaching history.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

On Tuesday’s episode of “The Michael Knowles Show,” the host shares insights from the United States' own history to show how communism and socialism do not work.

From The Daily Wire, by Mr Michael Knowles, 1 June 2019.

Here is the lede plus five:

You have people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders and now the entire Democrat field, telling us that private property is bad, it's wrong, we need to take away private property.  In the extreme case, we need socialism and we need socialist programs.  That is the line and so people feel shame for owning private property.  Why do you have the right to own something if that guy on the street doesn't have the right to own it?  Why do I have the right to own my car when the bum drinking booze out of a plastic bottle on the street doesn't own a car?

According to the radical egalitarians, there is something unfair about that.  That's an example of social injustice.  Actually, though, private property is great.  Private property is one of the best things ever. And shared property is not that great.  We are told in this culture that private property is bad and primitive — that in an advanced society, we will give up some of our private ownership of property and then we'll all just hold things in common, like the mythical people in the beautiful paradise that we envision before the social contract.  That's what we are being told.

And then he gets around to talking about the Pilgrims and Plymouth Governor William Bradford, who, after two years of dismal productivity, went from property held in common to private property.  After that the Plymouth Colony flourished.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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