Saturday, August 10, 2019

A Savage Game of Politics

For John, BLUFThe idea of savage politics works if you are willing to destroy your enemy.  If you don't utterly destroy your enemy you will merely have taught that enemy the need for scorched earth politics, which is not a good lesson to be teaching.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From The Chicago Boyz, by Sgt. Mom, 8 August 2019.

Here is the lede plus one:

My initial reaction upon reading of Juaquin Castro ‘outing’ local San Antonio donors to the Trump campaign was along the lines of “oh dear, that was so not a good idea!” Nothing that I have read about the imbroglio in the days since has given me cause to revise that opinion … other than to confirm it.  Yes, such information is a matter of public record, but opening up certain of your constituents to harassment, especially in the wake of such things as calls for Republicans to be harassed in restaurants, protested by persons threatening violence at their homes, attacked physically, and going so far as shooting up their softball teams … this does not calm the political passions in any degree.  No, it’s as good as spraying gasoline on a bonfire, and the Castro brothers richly deserve every bit of the opprobrium they have earned – especially locally.

There is a rather curious thing about San Antonio; it may look like a medium-sized city to the distant observer, but it is actually the biggest small town in the world.  The networks of personal connection are as strong and as intertwined as any small town.

I noted that my auto insurance company got scorched in this.  I am not (we are not) switching.  However, I now have a lower opinion of Presidential Candidate Castro.

The Nation improves when there is some level of cooperation, some modicum of camaraderie amongst the political operatives.  Especially at the local level.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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