Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mattress Girl Today

For John, BLUFPeople faced with large, apparently indifferent institutions either knuckle under or become obnoxious and obstreperous.  The Red Pill mentioned represents seeking reality, as opposed to living in a comfortable fantasy world that fits one's hopes and dreams.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

At the very least, she’s found a new social set.

From The Cut, by Reporter Sylvie McNamara, 28 October 2019.

This article is about Ms Emma Sulkowicz, who you might remember as "Mattress Girl", from her protest while a student at Columbia University.  She was protesting what she saw as the University's lack of action vis-a-via the man she accused of rapping her.  Here is the second paragraph of the article:

Five years ago, while a student at Columbia, Sulkowicz lugged a dorm-issue, extra-long twin mattress around campus for as long as she had to attend school with her alleged rapist.  This was Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight), a globally viral art piece that made visible the weight of campus sexual assault. It transformed Sulkowicz into an icon.  Since then, her artworks have regularly roused the internet: a video of her reenacting her assault, a bondage performance at the Whitney that doubled as institutional critique. This past spring, she tweeted an image that was perhaps even more provocative:  a photo of her grinning alongside two of her libertarian critics — not performance art, she insists, but a byproduct of her new curiosity about other views.
At the time of Ms Sulkowicz's mattress toting I thought of her as an over the top deologue.  Based On this article I think I would enjoy knowing her and would find discussions with her interesting  On the other hand, those leaving comments sound like Progressive Prigs.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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