Monday, November 11, 2019

Restocking the Democrat Fish Pond

For John, BLUFI remember Mr Patrick as Governor.  At least he did no permanent damage.  It could be worse.  Think Senator E Warren.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From The Boston Globe, by Globe Staffer Jaclyn Reiss, 11 November 2019.

Here is the lede plus one:

Former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick is considering entering the 2020 Democratic field of presidential candidates, according to a Monday evening report from The New York Times, a move that comes days after former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg was also said to be thinking about running.

The Times report, which cites two Democrats with knowledge of the situation, states that Patrick told Democratic officials he is considering throwing his hat in the ring because “he doesn’t think that any of the candidates running have established political momentum” and that “there is an opening for somebody who can unite both liberals and moderate Democrats.”

The notion is a turnaround from what Patrick said nearly a year ago, when he announced in early December 2018 that he would not be running for president, citing “the cruelty of our elections process.”  Until then, he had been testing the waters for a nationwide campaign.

“I hope to help in whatever way I can.  It just won’t be as a candidate for president,” Patrick then said in a message posted to Facebook.

Patrick has not made a final decision on whether to run and faces fast-approaching deadlines to get on the ballot in key states, according to a report from the Associated Press.  New Hampshire, the first state to hold a primary contest, has a Friday deadline.

First former Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and then former Attorney General Eric Holder and now former Governor Deval Patrick.  A busy fortnight.

This does not speak well for the current field.

Regards  —  Cliff

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