Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Globe Reviews Impeachment Hearings

For John, BLUFIt seems fairly obvious that The Boston Globe Is not sympathetic to President Trump, nor has it considered the long term consequences of Impeachment, with or without Conviction.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From The Boston Globe , by Globe staff Writer Christina Prignano , 11 November 2019.

Here is the lede plus one:

The impeachment inquiry into whether President Trump improperly withheld aid to a foreign government in exchange for help with his re-election bid is entering an important phase this week, as the first public hearings are held by the House Intelligence Committee.

Up until now, House investigators have held closed-door depositions with key Trump officials as they gather information and documents on the allegations.

What can we expect from these hearings? Here’s a look at the format, the witnesses, and what we might learn.

I do think the lede mischaracterizes what is going on.  This isn’t about "whether President Trump improperly withheld aid to a foreign government in exchange for help with his re-election bid".  This is about digging up dirt to ensure that Donald J Trump is Impeached and Convicted, turned out of office and his election determined by history and historians as illegitimate and his number 45 revoked.

As of this writing, there have been 95 Comments, 40 of them "blocked".  Oh to have access to the Comments deemed inappropriate.  The high proportion of blocked Comments suggest that a fair segment of the Globe readership is highly engaged by the Impeachment effort.

Regards  —  Cliff

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