Friday, April 3, 2020

Shaping the Narrative

For John, BLUFThe Democrats, as a whole, seem a very embittered lot, unwilling to let go of the past and move into the future, where, if they release their bitterness, they can win again.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From PJ Media, by Mr Matt Margolis, 3 April 2020.

Here is the lede plus one:

Despite the fact that the Mueller report proved there was no collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians during the 2016 campaign, Democrats were convinced that there was more evidence out there, perhaps in the tiny fraction of the report that was redacted for national security reasons, that proved Trump actually did collude with the Russians.

It turns out that the most interesting things about Mueller's investigation were not what was redacted from the report, but what wasn't included in the first place.  According to investigative reporter John Solomon, Bob Mueller hid evidence exonerating Donald Trump Jr. over the infamous Trump Tower meeting, during which Democrats were convinced he had met with a Russian lawyer to discuss dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Another reason to not trust the Feds.  But, at a deeper level, was it Mr Mueller who hid the information or was it one of the Federal Attorneys working for him.

Did the people from Mr Mueller's Investigation think that their bad deeds would never come out?  That Democrats would cover for them for ever, or at least long enough?  This is very disappointing for someone who believes in the integrity of the permanent Civil Service.  If there is not integrity in Government, then we revert to the spoils system and should just abolish the Civil Service and replace it with the friends and sycophants of the incoming President.

A political cartoon in Harper's Weekly of 28 April 1877, by Cartoonist Thomas Nast.  It is President Andrew Jackson riding a pig, which is walking over "fraud", "bribery", and "spoils", and consuming "plunder".

Never talk to the Feds without an Attorney and a tape recorder.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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