Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Free Press Informing Us

For John, BLUFWithout various media outlets being willing to chase issues down various rabbit holes we, as voters, can not make informed choices.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

If there is one element in our society that has failed to live up to their responsibility in a free society, it’s the press.  Gone are the days where the public can rely on the ethical standards of journalism to hand us accurate facts from an objective standpoint.  Mainstream media’s latest attempt to conceal the allegations of Joe Biden’s sexual assault is just another example of today’s common practice of crooked journalism.

From PJ Media, by Reporter Rich Moran, 15 April, 2020.

Here is the lede plus two:

Before I start, I want to make it clear that this isn’t a piece about Joe Biden.  I will not be so bold as to verify or invalidate the accusations brought upon him by his accuser because, frankly, I’m not an investigative reporter with the economic resources of a massive media conglomerate behind me like The New York Times or The Washington Post.

As for my opinion on Joe Biden, all I can say is that I feel utter pity for the man.  The way I see it, the Democratic National Committee is engaged in blatant elder abuse in dragging him out to be their Presidential nominee.  This is a man who is older than the end of World War II.  He has done his tour of public service as Vice President for eight long years.  By now, he should be left alone to enjoy his retirement doing cute old man things, like George W. Bush painting pictures of puppies.

When I see Joe Biden, I see a feeble old man who can’t call it quits despite his age because he was never given the option of retirement.  The Democratic political establishment is adamant about dragging Biden out to work for their political interest, so he can’t stop until they can squeeze everything they can out of him – kinda like Boxer the Horse in George Orwell’s Animal Farm.  Well, except Biden is perhaps less lovable than Boxer, and is also an alleged rapist.

Further on in the story we have this key paragraph:
If a journalist or an investigative reporter dares to break a story that angers the status quo, that journalist will be shunned and denied access to the inner sanctum of power for going against the narrative these elites want the public to hear.  Hence, corporate and the higher-ups in the industry need their journalist minions to tow (sic) the party line and not ruffle any feathers, lest they risk losing access to the celebrities and elites.
And to add to our distrust of the press in this matter, from PJ Media we have Mr Rick Moran writing on 15 April 2020, 'New York Times' Allowed Biden Team to Edit Story on Sexual Assault Allegation.  This headline, which I have seen elsewhere, does not fill me with confidence in the working value of our free press.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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