Tuesday, August 18, 2020

“Miracle on the Vistula River”

For John, BLUFThe United States has been intertwined with Poland for our whole history as a nation.  From Casimir Pulaski until today, we have worked together, off and on, and we have provided a home for several million Polish Immigrants.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

Merian C. Cooper helped to stop the Communist takeover of Europe in 1920. Today another Marxist revolution is surging—in the United States.  We can stop it again by following his example.

From American Greatness, by Mr Sheldon Bart, 14 August 2020.

Here is the lede plus two:

Hollywood mogul Merian C. Cooper, creator, producer, and co-director of the original “King Kong,” was an authentic hero of the August 15, 1920 Battle of Warsaw, which in David and Goliath fashion saved Europe from Communism.  Remembered today in its centennial year as the “Miracle on the Vistula River,” the battle eternally links Poland and America in a historic fight against totalitarian revolutionaries.

Following World War I, the map of Europe was radically redrawn.  Poland, occupied and dismembered by aggressor nations for more than 100 years, was recreated as an independent nation. Lenin and the Bolshevik Party, having seized control of a demoralized and destabilized Russia in a brazen 1917 coup, marched on Poland in 1919, expecting to sweep across its fragile, uncertain borders and export their Communist revolution to Germany and beyond.

A fighter pilot in World War I, Cooper sought to repay America’s debt to the Polish heroes Tadeusz Kościuszko, Casimir Pulaski, and others who risked their lives fighting for America’s freedom in our Revolutionary War.  He recruited nine fellow American aviators and veterans of the Great War to fly with him on Poland’s behalf against the oncoming Bolsheviks.

We were lucky that Marxism as a militant force was stopped from swallowing up Europe in 1920.  The division of Europe in 1945 was very unfortunatde, but at least we were there in force, and held the line, until nations like Poland and Hungary and East Germany overthrew the yoke of Communism.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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