Friday, September 11, 2020

Impeachment Rumors Continue

For John, BLUFIt is unfortunate that neither side can concede to the othere side the fact that that side is patriotic,if mistaken.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

Schiff to Russia: “I Can’t Quit You.”

From PJ Media, by Opinionator Stephen Kruiser, 10 September 2020.

Here is the lede plus one:

As has been pointed out by many of us recently, the Democrats really aren’t behaving as if their presidential candidate had a substantial lead in the polls.

Yes, the polls have been tightening, but the Dems have been in a sort of flop-sweat panic mode since the Republican National Convention ended.  There is, of course, the fact that every public appearance by der Bidengaffer since then has been hovering in the neighborhood of “unmitigated disaster.”

The Democrats do seem to be trying to get to their October surprises early this year.  That reeks of desperation.

Speaking of reeking, California’s little impeachment pitbull Adam Schiff is back.  Guess what, kids?  He’s got another whistleblower!

I have to say, I think thzt Stephen Kruiser was a bit over the top with his headline.  I don't think that Representative Adam Schiff is Clinically Deranged.  Rather, he is a Democrat, under the thumb of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  And they are both from Coastal California, along with Representative Maxine Waters.

That said, the idea of another set of dishonest impeachment hearings fills me with dread.  More dishonesty doesn't help bring us together.  It makes the media look like fools.  This is a terrible ay to run the Government.

The whole thing is based on the idea that the Department of Homeland Security is suppressing the truth, from the Intelligence Community, about who is meddling in US Elections.  Hint:  Everyone.  And how long has this been going on?  Hint:  For longer than you have been alive.  If you aren't also worried about China and Iran and North Korea you aren't paying attention.

Yes, there is a Whistleblower involved.  Whistleblowers are not necessarily bad people.  In fact there is a role in our system of Government for Whistleblowers.

The biggest external interference in the Presidential Election of 2016 was the Steele Dossier.  It was a fabrication of lies, fouisted off on the American Public, by folks like the Brookings Institution and the Hillary Clinton Campaign.  Thanks to former British Intelligence Officer Christopher Steele.

At the article, linked above, you can find a link to the Fox News article.  For those of you who prefer CNN as a source, there is this link.

The CNN piece says, among other things, that "White supremacy is 'most lethal threat' to the US, DHS draft assessment says".  I am not convinced that the biggest threat facing us is domestic, "right wing" white supremacy.  The piece, by Ms Geneva Sands, wanders over to accusing President Trump of race baiting.  This seems to be a meme being pushed by CNN and the Media in general.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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