Friday, November 6, 2020

A Frosty Four Years Ahead?

For John, BLUF:  With a sense of moral superiority, the Progressives are unable to create space for the opinions of those who are not their sycophants.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From The New York Post, by Professor Glenn H. Reynolds, 5 November 2020.

Here is the lede plus three:

This year’s presidential election hasn’t provided the catharsis that many on the left were awaiting.  Instead of the hoped-for “Blue Wave,” we have a still-too-close-to-call presidential election, while Republicans picked up House seats and appear to have held on to the Senate.

One response might be self-criticism: to wonder how, after four years of single-mindedly trying to get rid of Trump and marginalize his followers, things didn’t go better.  Instead, Democrats’ thinkers seem to be asking themselves variations on “How can I live in a country where half the people supported Donald Trump?”

According to the Campus Reform Web site, professors around America were expressing anger and claiming to feel “genuinely unsafe, given the sheer number of people willing to vote for Trump.”  Some canceled classes for the rest of the week, apparently because of the emotional strain.

An article in The New Republic by Andrew Cohen asks:  “What do we do with all these Trump supporters?”  (Spoiler:  “Learn to live with them and respect your differences” isn’t on the agenda.)

The author writes, on his blog, "I’VE QUIT MY REGULAR USA TODAY COLUMN, BUT I HAVE THIS IN THE NEW YORK POST".  I read this as saying that USA Today was not having any of this talk about the Progressives seeing Trump Voters as morally inferior.  But, they do.  In my exerience.

As an aside, in my humble opinion, a huge fraud is being perpetrated on the People of the United States.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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