Monday, November 2, 2020

Choosing the Future

For John, BLUFTomorrow we decide our fate.  We seem to have divided into two opposing camps, one that accepts the injustice of differences in people and one that wishes for everyone to be the same in ability and outcome  Choose wisely.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

She wants to replace the free market engine of prosperity with a top-down leveling of aspiration and achievement

From The American Spectator, by Mr Roger Kimball, 2 November 2020.

Here is a three para extract (at the link is the accompanying video):

The third culprit in Joe’s loss tomorrow is his running mate, Kamala Harris.  I believe that we do not yet know the full story of how Harris, the spectacularly unpopular senator from California, was tapped to be Biden’s VP.  Perhaps we never will.  The whole process by which Biden emerged as his party’s front man is shrouded in mystery, and the mystery includes the behind-the-scenes machinations that resulted in Harris’s elevation.  I believe, though I have no proof, that the ticket resulted from the ascension of the hectoring, radical-left flank of the party.  They chose Biden as a convenient empty vessel into which they planned to instill the angry socialist agenda of Bernie Sanders, AOC, and others via the instrumentality of Harris.

Be that as it may, I cite Harris as the third culprit in Biden’s loss because she has impatiently let her mask slip. The Biden-Harris ticket was sold under the banner of ‘moderation’.  It was always a lie.  There is nothing moderate about either one of them, but the word contrasted nicely with Trump’s supposed ‘extremism’, a media confection, to be sure, but one that has been so assiduously repeated and amplified by a compliant press that it has become one of those undislodgeable bits of folklore, untrue but somehow ‘known’ by everyone.

But yesterday, Harris shattered what remained of the meme of moderation with a video posted to her Twitter feed explicitly promoting socialism and explaining that true equality means that ‘we all end up in the same place’.  Equality of outcome, that is to say, not just equal opportunity. Karl Marx couldn’t have put it more succinctly.

But you and I know that there never will be true equity, because "Bob's your uncle".

That, and the fact that we know that equality of outcome is not the same as a level playing field on which all can compete.  When we get to High School (if not before) we want our team to win.  That means we move beyond equity to measuring talent and equality to compete.

Senator Harris is cute and perky, but she comes across as a socialistMarxist.  That is a look that signals both bad economic theory, but also a willingness to hold back the overall good of society so no one suffers the ignorminity of coming in second.

Regards  —  Cliff

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