Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election Outcomes

For John, BLUFOne of the strengths of the United States is our ability to host a wide variety of views, but not all of those views can be actuated at the same time.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

  • A University of Virginia instructor said that Americans need to "actively topple the government" if the "worst-case scenario" happens.
  • The instructor previously tweeted a New York Times article favorable to the Chinese Communist Party.
  • He also quoted Karl Marx while responding to the death of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

From Campus Reform, by Campus Correspondent Haley Worth, 3 November 2020.

Here is the lede plus one:

University of Virginia Postdoctoral Fellow David Walsh posted on his personal Twitter feed that Americans need to do more than protest if the "worst-case scenario" happens following Tuesday's presidential election.

“Here’s the thing: if the worst-case scenario happens next week, Americans don’t need to just 'protest.'  They need to actively try to topple the government," Walsh tweeted on October 27.

That would be a coup, in plain language.  And, a coup sounds to me like treason.  So Professor Walsh is so upset with our current form of Government and who is elected that he would commit treason to make it more like he wants it.  The result is that he would substitute his own views for those of a large percentage of our voting population, perhaps a majority of our voting population.  That seems a little arrogant, but I am not an academic.

I guess Professor Walsh is just anxious to see how the election comes out.  Aren't we all?

This does remind me of the line attributed to the late Professor Herbert Marcuse, when he was still in Germany:  "Abolish the Weimar Republic.  Whatever replaces it has to be better."

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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