Friday, December 11, 2020

Introducing Our Next President

For John, BLUFThis post is designed to explore the out edges of what is possible in the next two months.  It is not a prediction, but rather a scenario for exploring possibilities.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

Sunday resignation adds fuel to a political crisis that started with a surprise impeachment of previous president

From The Wall Street Journal, by Reporters Ryan Dube and Juan Forero, 15 November 2020.

Here is the lede plus two:

Peru was without a president Sunday night, after its latest leader resigned just six days after taking power and lawmakers were unable to agree on a new head of state to end a constitutional crisis that exposed deep popular anger over corruption in the country’s political class.

A country that before the coronavirus pandemic was considered a shining economic star, Peru is now flailing in uncharted waters.  There is no president at the helm, and a fractured and deeply unpopular congress is trying to decide who should lead the country while people protest in the streets.  With two presidents gone in less than a week—Martín Vizcarra was impeached Monday and then Manuel Merino, who engineered his predecessor’s ouster, resigned Sunday—Peru has been teetering with anarchy.

On Sunday night, the same lawmakers whose impeachment of Mr. Vizcarra touched off six days of protests were debating who among them would be chosen to replace Mr. Merino, who had no vice president.  They had at one point been considering a left-wing lawmaker, Rocio Silva, who had broken with most lawmakers to vote against impeachment.  Media reports said the lawmakers also were considering members of the centrist Purple Party, which overwhelmingly opposed removing Mr. Vizcarra.

Yes, this is so last month.  Also, Pewru doesn't have the Constitutionally mandated path of Preasidential success we have.  But, yet, we seem to be slipping into a bit of a succession crisis.

Look at what is happening.  The media, from NPR to Twitter suppressed the Hunter Biden story.  Now it is out in the open.


My guess is they no longer need Mr Biden, and like Vice President Spiro T Agnew, he will be given a chance to go quietly, clearing the way for Sen Kamala Harris.

And, did anyone catch Michael Savage saying, on NewsMax that it is over?  (My Wife has abandoned Fox and moved to NewsMax.  I still try †o catch Tucker.)

It is, after all, 2020, and all things are possible.  Here is hoping she learned some things from Willie Brown, a very smart Assembly Speaker and San Francisco Mayor.

Hat tip to Kermit's Key West Key Lime Shoppe.

Regards  —  Cliff

  Who are they?  Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Tom Perez.  Besides, while Joe Biden is a China fan, Nancy Pelosi is for Taiwan.
  If Senator President Harris should Not make it until we have a new Vice President, then Speaker Pelosi is ready to step up.

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