The EU

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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Moving On

For John, BLUFAll the time we spend moping about is time we are not spending getting ready for 2022.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Power Line Blog, by Mr Steven Hayward, 15 December 2020.

Here is the lede plus two:

My goodness, Scott certainly stirred up our readership yesterday with his “limp noodle” confession about the election.  At the risk of annoying many readers further, I’ll offer my observations on the matter which lead to my conclusion about why, and, more importantly, how to move on from here.  In rank order of provocation:

• The Democrats stole the election fair and square.  Of course I don’t mean that literally; what I mean is that the election was effectively stolen months ago before any ballots were cast when legislatures (and sometimes governors and state courts such Pennsylvania) changed the voting rules to allow expanded mail-in voting, and the cascade of related vulnerabilities that followed.  Republican legislatures that went along with these COVID-induced panic changes were foolish if not derelict in their duty.  And the Trump campaign was negligent in not fighting against this months ago.  President Trump was correct to warn about this outcome.  Why wasn’t his campaign better organized to resist this months ago?  (I know they did file a few lawsuits, a few of which had some effect, but it wasn’t enough.)  I suspect the long-rumored campaign infighting and attention to other things distracted Trump’s senior campaign managers from paying sufficient attention to this.

• Fraud is very easy in our election system.  Remember that our elections are run by part-timers, amateurs, and volunteers on the county level in America—and we have over 3,000 counties.  In such a diffuse system it is easy to conjure up a few dozen votes here, a few hundred votes there.  Or worse.  It is at once a glory of self-government in America that we actually conduct our elections in this decentralized way involving tens of thousands of citizen volunteers.  It is also astounding that we use such a vulnerable and chaotic system to choose our president.

And on it goes for several more bullet poins.  Well worth the read.

So, I think this is a better way forward than the one proposed by Lt Gen Thomas G McInerney. Folks, we have work to do before Nov 2022.  In the meantime, we have Joe Biden as our President.  Better than Senator Kamala Harris.

It is a new adventure.  Buy new chaps and pretend it is your first rodeo.

Like it or not, unless the Trump Lawyers are granted a miracle, it is President Joe Biden.  He will be MY President.  I think that is the way Immigrant, General, Senator, Ambassador and Cabinet Secretary Carl Schurz would have put it.  He of “My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.”

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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