Friday, January 15, 2021

The Losers Want to fight Back

For John, BLUFSome want a third party and some want to act like 2020 Progressives, but the Serious Folks want to fight back, in a civil manner.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From The Chicago Boyz, by Sgt. Mom, 13 January 2021.

Here is the lede plus one:

The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.  Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.  Thomas Paine, The Crisis No. I – December 1776
Frankly, it’s a time which try women’s souls, as well – not just being disenfranchised en masse, but having the Establishment News Presstitutes and the Tech Oligarchs gag all mention of conservative simmering unhappiness and discontent in the major media, and chopping off access to social media for designated so-called ‘thought criminals’ in response to a relatively benign – that is, relatively benign in comparison to what has been going on all year in cities that are prog strongholds – a massive protest at the US Capitol.  I’m fairly certain that the ruling political oligarchs had the snot scared out of them last Wednesday, when protestors overran the Capitol building.  Here’s my tiny violin to play “My Heart Bleeds For You”, and my dainty Victorian lace-trimmed linen handkerchief to sop up the tears.  (And BTW, one of those protesters was shot, fatally, by … well, er, someone, whose’ identity is yet unknown, prompting the observation that if he were a regular policeman and shot a protester of color in a prog-run city he would have his identity instantly spread all over the Presstitute Media, along with his home address, his spouses’ employer and the name of the school that his kids attended.  But never mind…)

Anyway, the massive steal of the 2020 election season is accomplished and blessed by the Presstitutes and the Tech Oligarch Media, this a process objected to by us Constitutional conservatives to no avail.  President Trump and his family and supporters are being unpersoned in job lots, people who went to the rally in Washington to protest the steal are being fired from their jobs and denounced by their families.  So, it remains now – what do we do now to make the filthy progs hurt metaphorically and economically, hurt until they bleed from every orifice?

I think, first withdraw our money and our eyeballs. Our money and eyeballs are about the only thing that we have left against the prog establishment.  This has been happening gradually over the last few months, but we’ll have to go full steam ahead now.  Professional sports orgs, who went all the way for BLM have seen viewership crash. Good.  Make them crash ever harder.  Right along with Twitter … whose stock price is already dropping.  I deactivated my own Twitter account yesterday.  I’ve always been a long-form blogger, anyway.

For those disaffected by the election outcome there is resignation, going off the deep end or, like Sgt Mom, the seeking of peaceful, but affirmative acts to show they are not cowed.  I applaud Sgt Mom.

There is more to this Blog Post, by Sgt "Long Form" Mom.  Click on it and read more.

Regards  —  Cliff

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