Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Why Is The National Guard Still In DC?

For John, BLUFWe need some adult leadership in DC.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From The Hill, by Reporter Cristina Marcos, 2 March 2021, 03:07 PM EST.

Here is the lede plus one:

The top security official overseeing the House informed lawmakers this week that security will be heightened on Thursday due to a QAnon-linked conspiracy theory that former President Trump will be inaugurated on that date.

Acting Sergeant-at-Arms Timothy Blodgett said in a memo that Capitol Police will have additional personnel on duty throughout the Capitol grounds in addition to the continued National Guard presence.

And here is the same story, from The Sun.

Yes, QAnon has been talking up some big event on 4 March, which would have been Inauguration Day right up until the passage of the 20th Amendment, back in 1933.

So what is going on in the minds of folks responsible for the security of the Capitol Building?  What chatter are they hearing that the rest of us are not?  And what is their track record?

  • They missed the move to Occupy Capitol Hill on 6 Janaury.
  • They told us about protests at all 50 State Capitols, plus the District of Columbia, on Inauguration Day, which never happened.
  • The explanations of what did happen on 6 January have been, from both Government and the media, slow to emerge and muddled, aside from blaming President Trump, which now appears off, an Impeachment notwithstanding.

So, the 18 Federal Intelligence Agencies of the Intelligence Community, which violated the Civil Rights of Trump Campaign Staff during his first run, and perhaps President Trump himself, seem totally out of their depth at this point in dealing with QAnon.

Assuming there is no major event on 4 March, and I don't expect one, when will the National Guard Units deployed to the Nation's Capitol return home?  And when will we start asking questions about what we knew and when we knew it?

Regards  —  Cliff

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