Friday, July 23, 2021

Divided We Fall

For John, BLUFWe, as Americans, need to be looking for what we have in common.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Issues and Insights, by The Editorial Board, 23 July 2021.

Here is the lede plus three plus a graph:

The Biden administration, stung by missing its vaccine targets and the rising COVID-19 cases, has decided to blame Republicans.  That’s not surprising.  But it’s traditionally Democratic groups – minorities and the young – who aren’t getting vaccinated, and it’s leftists who are the most influential anti-vaxxers on the planet.

As Politico reported recently, “the Biden administration is casting conservative opponents of its COVID-19 vaccine campaign as dangerous and extreme.”

The administration points to state immunization rates as proof that anti-vaxxers on the right are to blame for the problem.  “State vaccine rates fall along red, blue divide,” is how The Hill reported it.

But wait a minute.  The states with low vaccination rates also tend to have larger minority populations.  And blacks are the least likely racial or ethnic group to have been vaccinated, with Hispanics the second least likely, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

I am sure they meant to write Caucasian, vice White, but ran out of space.

There is a lot of sociology wrapped up in this, and a lot of history.  For example, the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study (1932-1972) is reason enough for Blacks to be cautious of free government medical care.

The simple answer is that this is R vs D, deplorables vs Progressives.  However, as H L Mencken told us, life is much more complex.  To borrow a phrase, there is intersectionality.  Maybe a set of Venn Diagrams.

It would be good if we stop trying to divide things into two baskets and then comdemning those those holding the wrong basket.  Rather, we should see if we have anything in common.  Are we not on a common journey?

Perhaps the Biden Administration could help us along the path by reaching out to former President Trump and sincerely and whole heartedly inviting him to the White House to encourge those who aren't vaccinated to consider taking the risk and joining the vaccinated.  Maybe add former President Obama.  And maybe former President Bush.  I am hoping that President Biden will bring us all together.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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