Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Are We Ready?

For John, BLUFAre we ready for major actions to limit greenhouse gas emmissions, and will it make a difference?  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Mass Fiscal Alliance, by Mr Paul Gangi, 4 August 2021.

Here is the lede plus three:

Did you happen to catch the latest analysis of the Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI) put out by the Fiscal Alliance Foundation?

TCI is expected to cause fuel shortages almost immediately after implantation.

According to the Foundation, Massachusetts will begin to experience fuel shortages by 2025 if it enters into the agreement as planned in 2023.  Approximately 80,000 vehicles will not have enough fuel by 2025.

To avoid TCI’s fuel shortages in 2025, Massachusetts drivers would need to buy (swap out a gasoline/diesel vehicle for an EV) approximately 2,000 EV each month beginning this month.  The problem? Approximately 2,000 Electric Vehicles (EV) were sold in Massachusetts in ALL of 2020.

Problem 1, there likely won't be enough electric vehicles to meet th need.

Problem 2, will the targetted drivers have the money to purchase an electric vehicle?

Problem 3, will private industry, utilities and governments coordinate and cooperate to provide the electric power to recharge all these new electric vehicles?

With regard to question 3, I keep asking, but all I get is the bureaucratic salute.


And there is this:

Senior Chinese officials warned John Kerry that U.S. support for human rights threatens climate change cooperation, eliciting a pledge from President Joe Biden’s climate point-man to explain their perspective to officials in Washington.

“I will certainly pass on … the full nature of the message that I received from Chinese leaders,” former Secretary of State John Kerry, who is now Biden’s special envoy for climate change, told reporters following two days of meetings with top Chinese diplomats. “On the one hand, we’re saying to them, ‘You have to do more to help deal with the climate.’ And on the other hand, their solar panels are being sanctioned, which makes it harder for them to sell them.”

Are things so bad regarding the climate that we are willing to turn a blind eye to the battering of human rights in other nations?  Sadly, it seems so.  And, if we won't speak up for human rights abroad, how long will they last at home?

Regards  —  Cliff

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