Thursday, September 9, 2021

Where is the Joy in Joy Behar?

For John, BLUFWhat is wrong with people these days, that they can not go with live and let live, but must condemn those with a different view?  Nothing to see here; just move along.

from The Blaze, by Dave Urbanski, 8 September 2021.

Here is the lede plus four:

Far-left co-host of "The View" Joy Behar on Wednesday's show implied that unvaccinated COVID-19 patients don't deserve medical help because they've "chosen to defy the science" and have "chosen to listen to the lies on Fox [News]" — all while patients with other needs can't get hospital beds.

What are the details? Former Utah Congresswoman Mia Love — a Republican — sat at "The View" table in former co-host Meghan McCain's seat and argued that it's a "slippery slope" for doctors to say they won't treat unvaccinated patients as that decision could lead to them saying they won't treat people for other illnesses.

Behar then stepped in, at first agreeing with Love that doctors denying health care to smokers and the morbidly obese could be problematic — but then she declared that such patients have developed "long-term" habits compared to the one-time decision by unvaccinated people to not get a COVID-19 shot "based on false information."

She added — as if she were speaking to unvaccinated COVID-19 patients — they should "go to [Fox News host] Tucker Carlson and make your case. Because he's telling you lies. He and other people on Fox and on some parts of Facebook are telling you lies about the vaccine."

Nothing is more fake than a person who allows herself to be bamboozeled in the name of science condemning those who question what is going on.

I would think Ms Behar's Producers would be too embarrassed by this rant to ever allow the show to appear again on air.

There are folks with legitimate reasons to question vaccines and masks.  I would defer especially to American Blacks, since a lot of living Americans were alive during the period when the Federal Government, in the name of Science, lied to Black people about what was going on during the Tuskegee "Bad Blood" experiments, which resulted in treatment being withheld from those suffering from syphilis.  The Federal Government lied to the victims of the disease in order to conduct an experiment on living human beings.

And, which group has the lowest rate4 of innoculations for COVID-19?  PhDs.

I got my vaccinations as soon as I could, and I carry a mask in case I am in a place where people wish to mask up.  It is only polite.  However, it is impolite and unAmerican to condemn others to wander outside the tribe for not getting a shot.

As a Post Script, I like Ms Mia Love.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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