Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Diversity in Unity

For John, BLUFThe linked blog post is about the fact that we are a diverse nation and there is no one answer to all problems for all People.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From the Blog According to Hoyt, by Blogger Sarah Hooyt, 22 October 2021.

Here is the lede plus five:

It’s all relative. For instance one of my relatives asked me how I planned to survive if I wouldn’t take the vaccine, and I didn’t snort giggle.  Well, not audibly.  Because she lives in another country and I know how terrified they are.

Then there was the friend skedaddling from NYC to whom I said I was likewise skedaddling from Prison-Colorado and he — audibly!  Rude! — snort giggled, because he said compared to NYC Colorado looked wide open and free.

And that’s part of what I want you guys to realize.  It’s important.

It’s all relative.

There are two important assumptions not to make: Don’t assume the rest of the country is like your little corner of it.  AND don’t assume that the US is just bending over for this.  Not relative to the rest of the world.

Oh, yeah as a third assumption not to make (should I come in again?) don’t assume that the rest of the world is taking it lying down.  Just more than the US from those I know in the rest of the world. And there’s a reason for that.  And it’s important.

Yes, there are folks out there who think the Government (pick your level) has moved beyond the level of believability to the level of "Do as you are told."  We have gone from persuaision to direction.

I thought this was an important paragraph:

Actually that’s the big difference between us and the rest of the world.  The anglosphere is a small caveat either (and I’d like to know how big the resistance actually IS in Australia.  There are leaks around the edges) as they are somewhere between say Europe and us.
Getting vaccination is a decision.  I got vaccinationed as soon as I could, based on my health situation and the situation of those around me.  You should make a thoughtful decision based on your circumstances.  However, while your friends may shun you for not getting the jab, your Government should not be bullying you.  If they can't sell you on the value of the Vaccination they should go back and examine the trail of arguements they are using.

Sadly, President Joe Biden seems to follow the old Navy axiom, "If it doesn't fit, don't forvce it.  You need a bigger hammer."

Remember, Tuesday is election day, not just in Maine and New York City and New Jersey and Virginia, but also here in Lowell.  Send a message to the politicians and the Civil Servants and vote.  If the number of voters goes up then folks in Government wonder why and become more alert and responsive.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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