Monday, November 1, 2021

CRT Again

For John, BLUFOne has the sense that US Public Schools, by and large, embrace Critical Race Theory (CRT).  On the other hand, they deny all.  Where is the truth?  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Power Line Blog, by John Hinderaker, 31 October 2021.

Here is the lede plus one:

Critical Race Theory has become the number one political issue in the U.S.  So, needless to say, it is the top issue in school board elections that are taking place across the country.  Thus, in one of Minnesota’s largest school districts, the administration emailed talking points to school board members, telling them how to answer questions about CRT from concerned parents.  No doubt many other districts have done the same.  Remarkably, this particular email included no fewer than six attachments with talking points on CRT.

These six pro-CRT missives are pretty much interchangeable, although they come from a variety of sources: the school district itself; Education Minnesota, the teachers’ union (this one includes an attack on American Experiment); the Minnesota School Boards Association; the University of Minnesota; the Minnesota Association of School Administrators; and the Council of the Great City Schools.

I like the title for this blog post.  It captures what I have picked up from the various news sources I consume.

I am all for looking at all of our history,  However, as a believer in evolution, I believe the same happens in history.  Most of our progress toward a freer and fairer society is based upon the actions of those who have gone before us.  While the Magna Carta wasn't the Declaration of Independence, it was a big step forward in helpinig define the Rights of Englishmen

What I don't see is where we are going.  Remember the line from General David Patraeus, "Tell me how this ends"?  I hear a lot of talk about how Caucasians from Europe have made the world a worse place, but I don't hear much about how others are going to make it better.  I am sure there are folks who think General Secretary Xi Jinping is offering a better path, but I am not sold.  I thought South Africa might be a model of integration and freedom, but it doesn't seem to be working out.  Look at their Gini.  I wouldn't pick Venezuala and their Bolivarian Revolution.

This kind of issue is why voting in your local School Committee (School Board) is so important.  Even if you aren't sure who to vote for tomorrow, the fact that you vote will send the signal that folks are paying attention and the Committee Members and the school leadership needs to be aware of public sentiment.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

  One of their worst acts was the elimintion of human sacrifice as a public ritual in North America.

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