Sunday, July 3, 2022

Grow Up

For John, BLUFWe have, as a society, evolved to the point that we do not hold peple responsible for their actions, from petty crime to pregnancy.  There will be long term consequences.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Ethics Alarms, by Mr Jack Marshall, 30 June 2022.

Here is the lede plus four:

“We seek power and equality in society, and then we continually play the victim”.

Agreed.  I saw a meme the other day (yes memes are reductionist) that captured a part of this whole debacle.  It said something about being able to wear a mask for two years but not being able to wear a condom for 48 seconds.

Aren’t strong women supposed to be able to say ‘no’ to sex with men they don’t want babies with?  Aren’t they able to practice self-care by taking care of their bodies during sex?  Aren’t they smart enough to know that abortion carries risk and do what is necessary to not put themselves in that situation in the first place?

Apparently not.  Apparently it’s men’s fault or the fault of the patriarchy or Trump or Catholics on the Supreme Court.  It’s never a woman’s fault for making terrible disembodied choices that end a life.

You can’t be a strong woman if you won’t value yourself enough to stop sleeping with jerks.  You can’t be a resilient woman if you refuse to take responsibility for your body before pregnancy (or STI’s).  And you can’t be very smart if you deny basic biology in how pregnancies happen.

This is the other side of the Abortion argument.  Not that it should happen, but that if women took charge of their own bodies it would be, in the words of President Bill Clinton, "rare".

I am of the view that every act of sex is an implied contract, which executes upon conception.  If a baby is conceived, it is the Mother and the Father who should commit to each other and the child, the way nature intended it.  Oregnancy does not mean abortion,.  It means marriage.  If one is not in a position to accept that reality, one needs to find an alternative form of sexual gratification.  Actions have consequences, or at least should have consequences.

In the long term the failure of a society to hold its members to responsibilities and consequences will result in the undermining of that society.

Regards  —  Cliff

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