Friday, August 12, 2022

Crushing Freedom

For John, BLUFThis is an article about big government squashing thew initiative and well being of the little guy.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

No, not me personally, but it's hard not to take it personally none the less

From Tilting At Windmills, by Freelance Writer Tom Knighton, 9 Aug 2022.

Here is the lede plus two:

OK, so the title has a smidge of hyperbole. They’re not targeting me directly or personally, at least so far as I know, but it seems the Department of Labor is looking at a rule that will directly screw me and hundreds of other people who are critical of the Biden administration over.

Which is why this one isn’t a premium post like they usually are on Tuesdays.

You see, I need people to see this, to know about it, because the Department of Labor looked at California’s AB5—a law that created all kinds of problems—and thought it was a good idea for the rest of the nation.

For those not familiar with California's AB-5, it is legislation that sharply restricts the number of people who classify themselves as independent contractors.  Examples include Uber Drivers, and free lance writers, like Mr Tom Knighton.  The way you are directly impacted is in the supply chain, where independent truckers used to clear the shipping containers out of Terminal Island so the goods imported could be moved to where they are needed.  Independent Truck Drivers have been key to making that work.  No more.  Those truck drivers now need to be employees of companies, with the associated benefits, which will increase our prices at the store.

This is an effort too suppress the inginuity and economic freedom of American residents.  This will not help struggling people, but it will harm the US Economy, both directly by restricting independent contractors and indirectly by squashing ingenuity.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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