Sunday, November 20, 2022

Great Reset Issues

For John, BLUFNo, not safe for children.  Also not safe for those without a history exploring mindset.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

When fascism is sold as progress, and eugenics is sold as a transhumanist upgrade to nature’s random mistakes, you’re at the mouth of the elite’s man-made maelstrom

From Protein Wisdom Reborn, by Blogger Jeff Goldstein, 18 November 2022.

Here is the lede plus two:

The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

So begins the mission statement of the World Economic Forum, one of a constellation of global NGOs whose vision for the future is dressed in the rhetorical finery of “sustainability,” “renewables,” and “transhumanism” — all marketed as upgrades to the human condition — but whose roots are tied inextricably to what I’ve called neo-feudalism, which conjoins a central global currency, a punitive surveillance state, and the rebranding of eugenics to make it more palatable to those in an increasingly stratified global class system who (the plan is) will be pushed by a love of convenience into accepting a form of paternalistic feudalism, while also being subjected to a reworking of their consciousnesses and the deliberate reduction of their numbers. Chip technology, injectables, and bio-electronic nano tech are meant to “improve” humanity, the promise goes.  And yet, it is being designed more to control us, to the point where changes in DNA structure are both possible and patentable.
Somewhere in man these is this believe that mankind is perfectable.  When it is tied to a belief in God it leads to people trying to improve themselves.  Sometimes it leads to the idea of imposing that improvement by cohersion.  That is bad.  Whatis worse is some pseudo-scientif belief in eugenics.

This article lays out a look at perfecting man, and the mating of government to corporations to the selective breeding of a better race (and elimination of inferiors).

The take away for us all is to be wary of those promising to remake society as a better version of itself.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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